We know what you’re thinking….

Who are we, and what’s up with our name?

  • A self-proclaimed nerd, who loves a good story and often has a strong opinion about it. Holland met Victoria in theatre class, where she was the inferior of the two when it came to acting, but the superior of the two in height. Holland has a passion for writing, storytelling across all media, and music ranging from Sam Cooke to Disney Soundtracks. Because she enjoys having an opinion about all kinds of things, she convinced Victoria to join her in this podcast excursion, which is one of the less dangerous things she’s convinced her to do. When she’s not podcasting, you can probably find her exploring through backroads looking for really good food to eat.

  • A self-proclaimed fangirl, with a degree in film production. Lover of cheese and an excellent napper. Victoria tends to find a new interest and then dive headfirst, no helmet, to learn anything and everything she can about that interest. She knows far too much about Disney parks, Pokemon, Nancy Drew, her favorite musical groups (including kpop), and much more. Victoria probably can outquote anyone with Napoleon Dynamite lines (but don’t challenge that; she’ll get nervous). She also streams on Twitch often, loving Nintendo games and point-and-click adventures.


Why Lion & Mouse?


Aesop’s Fable "The Lion and The Mouse” began the inspiration for our podcast name. In this tale, the lion spares the life of a mouse, and scoffs when the mouse promises to repay the lion. Later, the lion is ensnared in a net, and the mouse comes to his rescue by gnawing at the ropes.

(This is a paraphrase, you can read the tale yourself at your local library or on the internet.)

Although two best friends often share a great deal of common ground, we are also vastly different. There are times when one is strong and bold, like a lion, and the other is cunning and quiet, like a mouse. Most who know us well, find one of us is more like a lion and the other is more like a mouse. Regardless, we both bring value to the table and utilize our strengths in this podcast, and other aspects of our lives.

(Plus, out of the hundreds of names we tried on, this was the first one we both liked, and we were desperate.)